When you know stuff you can do stuff!


Jump HERE to the 5894 Linear Amplifier Project. New for 2024


Let's Build Something !


The 20M Shirtpocket SSB Transceiver !

Ten Tec Triton II Digital LO and Controller

Do Not Watch This Video (Its addictive!)


LINK To Documentation

Link to the Arduino Sketch for the Triton II


June 1963 QST ~ W3TLN

Link to the TR-7 Project!

Link to the 10M SSB Project Blog Info

Link to the 2022 Transceiver Project PDF!

Link to a Digital Interface for the TR-7

To those SOB's From China who are attempting to set up a website n6qw.cn, that is ill advised. If you are trying to manufacture my designs without my permission that is also not a good idea. Keep in mind I know a guy who knows a guy ... (even in China)

Link to a newly found BLOG


How to Build an SSB Transceiver 1/31/2022

Get it HERE

[AKA: Tales of Mary Jo and the Back Seat of a 57 VW Beetle.]

November 2021

A Seven (07) Transistor SSB Transceiver HERE



G-QRP Virtual Convention Presentation 9/2021

(All About Tubes/Valves)


Dentron MiniLX


Hallicrafters SR-160 Restoration




March 1, 2021

A 40 Meter Direct Conversion Receiver Project




June 11, 2020

New Antenna Install WSPR Data

June 10th 1st WSPR Run

June 12th WSPR Run Tx @ 0.5 Watt






January 15, 2020

The PMR6A Receiver Reincarnation


First you need a Power Supply!


The 1930's Transmitter!


December 2, 2019

The Paesano!

The Left Coast SSB Transceiver!


Nigel, G0EBQ builds "The Paesano" and is making contacts!



August 2, 2019



May 30, 2019

I particpate in a monthly (usually) Podcast with Bill Meara, N2CQR. In the most recent Podcast, #211 Bill talked about a book he was reading called Coders. This book explores the divide between the Analog and the Digital "people" with its roots in ambiguity. The Analog guys always live in Ambiguity, whereas the Digital guys, it is either a "0" or a "1". Bill futher explained that in the Analog world things can "sorta work" but not to the full extent. In the Digital world--it is either on or off often demonstarted by error messages like won't compile.

In the past two weeks I have experienced the world of ambiguity and it is driving me nuts. It all has to do with my acquiring several 1960's -- 1970's boat anchor radios at very cheap prices and then making them work. The grand plan is moving some of these gems to a Digital VFO.

One such rig is the WRL Duobander. This was a $160 radio (1960's) that worked 80 and 40 Meter SSB over two ranges: 3.8 to 4 MHz and 7.1 to 7.3 MHz. It had two 6HF5's for the finals and had a 300 Watt input. Contained in the rig was some very clever circuitry with a 5.55 MHz four pole crystal Filter and a VFO that tuned in the 1.6 MHz range. Using that combo a simple mixer with band pass filters produces either 80 or 40 Meters.

But that is the problem! When things "sorta work" it makes it hard to find out why it doesn't work fully. My Duobander does receive and does transmit BUT it is weak on sensitivity and the transmitter output is only about 100 watts. I note that someone has been tinkering with the circuit board in the locations where I would look to find the problem. So that tells me --it was a problem before I got it. Follow this link for more on ambiguity.


Pete, N6QW


April 29, 2019


Forget Simple SSB Transceivers & Homebrew Filters!



QUISK 4.1.15


April 18, 2019

SoCal Simple SSB Transceiver Sketch

A Digitally Controlled Analog VFO



A Third New Transceiver for 2019!

The Simple SSB ~ 10 Devices Total!


Transceiver #1

  • Old Technology with a modern flare ~ Arduino Nano/Si5351
  • Two 3N209 Dual Gate MOSFETs are the complete IF Module
  • Bilateral Operation from SPRAT 128 and G4GXO
  • USB/LSB and Two VFO's (FT8/WSPR)
  • 9 MHz IF on the 40 Meter Band
  • 128X128 Color TFT Display
  • 5 Watts out with a IRF510
  • Re-use of many old transceiver assemblies/parts

Stay tuned for more exciting details. Work in Progress.

Check out the size of the rig as compared to the D104 Lollipop Microphone. Small is a good word!


Pete N6QW

2019 Transceiver #2 is here!

7[Note on 2/27 moved to 20 Meters]



New from the N6QW Radio Laboartories.

The Sudden 40M SSB Transceiver.

Here is the Detail!


Part II , The Sudden Transmit Stages now in the DETAIL!


Arduino Code for the LCD to OLED replace.


August 29th, 2018

S Meter Test Code as seen in Hot Iron





Pete N6QW



2018 ---- The Sudden 40M SSB Transceiver


The Simpleceiver

Old Postings From the Blog ~ 2015

Takes 15 Seconds to download

The Current Simpleceiver Plus V2.0

DuWaynes [KV4QB] Arduino/Si5351 VFO Sketch


Simpleceiver Two VFO Code

Revised Simpleceiver Two VFO Code ~ No Flicker






The N6QW Big Kahuna




N6QW's Mini-Rig 07/2017



A 40 Meter SSB Transceiver with a Yaesu Filter


The Bitx40 Project as built by N6QW





Jameco Electronics A great resource for project parts!


N6QW Projects
* Raspberry Pi3 with a SoftRock SDR

(Process revised 8/9/2016)


The LM373 ~ A 20 Meter SSB Transceiver













The KWM-4 ~ A Homebrew Work of Art!














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