Phase 7 ~ Adding the Arduino/ AD9850 DDS Added: Code for the OLED + Si5351 PLL |
When this project was started I saw this part of the project as being the most difficult since it now has shifted from the realm of analog hardware to digital hardware and arcane software. Moving to the Arduino presents some obstacles especially to Old Timers (OT) such as myself whose exposure to digital electronics is of recent vintage. But VU2ESE has solved the problem with his add on kit that costs $14. You get the hardware already built and it is a simple connection to the main Bitx40 transceiver board. He even suggests that there will be software that eventually can be added that will do more than just give you an accurate frequency generation and readout. Dual VFO's and SWR measurement are but some code that will soon be developed. My Arduino and AD9850 code gets you the frequency generation and readout and that is it. Thus I will not be detailing here what I did but advise the reader to buy the VU2ESE board. By the way --my hardware cost more than $14 so that is another factor. Sure I developed the solution on my own; but that only was because the additional board was not offered at my time of purchase. Size is another issue and a quick look below shows that my DDS takes up a lot of space. The "Add On" board is but a fraction of that size. So those wishing a compact rig tilts the decision even further to the add on board.