The Microphone Amplifier

In keeping with our minimalist approach, we are using but a single transistor for this task. The requirements for our circuit have many facets:

High Output
Wide Frequency Response
Low End CutOff Freq.
High Impedance Input


We have been working on an ideal Microphone Amp Circuit that addresses the five points in the table. With 2N2222A we may have found it!


The second circuit block to be addressed after the BPF is the Microphone Amplifier which will rest on the upper board upper Left Hand corner in the 5X5 matrix. The Pad size is 0.2 inches by 0.2 inches. As you will see in the plot good for 20 to 20kHz and should add "presence" to your signal with its flat response and certainly no complaints about the signal lacking lows. See the Photo below of the Mic Amp AND the relay wiring to switch between the Audio Amp and the Mic Amp from the ADE-1.






