LM373 ~ Arduino & Si5351 The use of the Arduino and the Si5351 can cause hair pulling, fallen arches and a bad case of dandruff! The problems typically encountered can be traced to the builder and not the code or the hardware. So beware and follow closely what is being shared and this shouild result few if any problems. The Arduino essentially provides the control and traffic direction for operating the Si5351 PLL Clock Generator and the 160X128 Color TFT. But it is not just a simple matter of connecting a few wires and you are done, as there must be much in the way of preparatroy work that must be accomplished first. If taking that path conflicts with an individual's slash and burn attitude, then you best build an archaic analog VFO and BFO. So if you want to go modern here is a check list of things you will need just to start the process.
The several files provided below are in a Notepad Text format. Copy and paste each file into an Aruino IDE save the 5 files in the same project folder in your Arduino Directory. If you have questions at this point about how to do this--don't build the project ! You must also have in your Arduino Library folder (part of the Arduino Directory) the necessary libraries to run the 160X128 Color TFT. These are both (GFX and 7735) available from the Adafruit Industries website. If you have questions about how to do this --don't build this project.